Where faith is mental wellness

Our mission is to help women access resources to improve their faith and mental wellness.

Understanding Cultural Disparities

Communities of faith have historically been identified as a safe space for women to be vulnerable spiritually and emotionally. However, they’ve struggled to address the covert challenges of mental health due to the cultural stigma to rely solely on your faith. This debilitating belief has impacted women to suffer in silence for decades.

Faitherapy believes faith is mental health.

When a woman’s hope is diminished by mental challenges (anxiety, depression, grief, etc.), we seek to renew, restore and redefine their life.

  • 1 in 5 women has a mental health diagnosis

    According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness

  • With the growing trends of increased workloads, limited staff and resources and long hours, burnout is now classified as a syndrome.

    According to The World Health Organization

  • Research suggests that faith reduces the impact of mental health.

    According to the National Alliance on Mental Health

We’re bridging the gap!

Our streamlined approach helps women access resources to improve their faith and mental wellness.