The Build Up from Breakdown Devotional Series


Are you feeling mentally overwhelmed?

You are not alone, I understand! I know what’s like to act like everything is okay, when you’re really one step away from an emotional breakdown. You have faith, you believe in God but life is getting the best of you. For the next 3 weeks, consider this as your soul-care time as we dive deep into faith and mental wellness.

This devotional series is based on my e-book “The Build Up from Breakdown” where I candidly share how I survived a mental breakdown as a woman of faith.

It’s time for you to break FREE and live the life God has for YOU!

Watch the replay!

Reverse Engineer | Part 1

Unhealthy emotional habits can entangle you away from your identity in Christ! In part 1 of the Build Up to Breakdown Devotional Series, Faitherapy Coach Marilyn Shaw teaches you how to identify self-sabotaging thoughts that are getting in the way of your spiritual growth.


The Anxiety of Time | Part 2

In part 2 of the Build Up from Break Down series, learn how to have strength in the Lord by being content with an attitude of gratitude and expectation.


The Stages of Growth | Part 3

Faith that starts as a mustard seed will grow in the proper environment when you take your time to grow. In part 3 of the Build Up from Breakdown Series, Faithearpy Coach Marilyn Shaw shares how to prepare your heart for the growing season.