No More Pain Featuring Wellness Coach Whitney Wood

In this episode, Whitney shares her journey of faith and mental health, specifically focusing on her experience with chronic pain and its impact on her identity and mental well-being. She discusses the role of singing in her identity and how the loss of her ability to sing due to chronic pain affected her mental health. Whitney also shares her turning point and the shift in her perspective on healing, as well as the science behind the mind-body connection and the impact of trauma on the nervous system. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the cultural impact on mental health and the power of being born again in breaking free from toxic patterns and experiencing healing. In this conversation, Whitney shares her journey of healing from chronic pain and offers insights into the mind-body connection. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the root cause of pain and rebuilding a solid foundation. Whitney also discusses the role of beliefs and awareness in the healing process and provides practical steps for finding healing and support. The conversation concludes with a prayer for renewed identity and walking in God's truth.


  • Chronic pain and mental health are closely intertwined, and it is important to address both aspects in order to experience healing.

  • Identity can be deeply affected by chronic pain, leading to feelings of isolation, depression, and a loss of purpose.

  • Shifting perspective on healing and understanding the mind-body connection can lead to a transformational journey of faith and mental health.

  • The impact of trauma on the nervous system and the role of thoughts and habits in disease highlight the importance of addressing the root causes of mental and physical health issues.

  • Understanding the root cause of chronic pain is essential for healing.

  • Rebuilding a solid foundation involves surrendering to the healing process and living in alignment with God's design.

  • Healing the mind-body connection requires awareness of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations.

  • Challenging beliefs and building awareness can lead to transformation and freedom.

  • Taking small steps towards healing, such as questioning narratives and building an evidence list, can make a significant difference.

  • Finding support and resources, such as coaching and community, can provide guidance and encouragement on the healing journey.

  • Prayer and seeking God's presence are essential for experiencing healing and walking in His truth.


Living a Blooming and Abundant Life


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