Self Compassion is Self Love

In this conversation, Marilyn Shaw discusses the importance of self-compassion and self-love. She shares a personal story about her Audi car to illustrate how we often take on the recommendations of others without considering our own needs. Marilyn emphasizes the need to recognize our own level of self-compassion and love, even when it may not align with what others say we should have. She also introduces the concept of bold confidence, which involves taking wisdom from our experiences and being outspoken with ourselves in a compassionate way.


  • Recognize the importance of self-compassion and self-love

  • Consider your own needs and values, rather than blindly following the recommendations of others

  • Embrace bold confidence by taking wisdom from your experiences

  • Be outspoken with yourself in a compassionate way


Cultivate Hope


Overcoming Betrayal Trauma Featuring Dr. Katrina Esau